Tenfold joins Tabor Community Services and Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership. These robust organizations have a combined 80 years of service to the Lancaster County Community. Tabor was founded by men and women who saw discrimination as an affront to their faith. One of Tabor’s founding members, Grace Wenger, whose legacy of compassion, care, and kindness lives on through Tenfold’s work today. LHOP was created by county and municipal governments, business and civic leaders to focus on housing affordability for low to moderate income individuals and families. As these two organizations have explored the possibility of a merger, today we can see that our combined efforts will be multiplied to ensure that there is a place in our community for anyone seeking support on the spectrum from experiencing homelessness to permanent housing. In Tenfold, they will have an advocate and champion to help them achieve their goals and dreams.

Read Grace Wenger’s “No Room” — in Lancaster? article, the inspiration for Tabor’s founding.


tenfold history