Join Us

As your trusted community partner, we offer a variety of educational opportunities for first-time homebuyers, landlords, tenants, and more. We encourage you to browse and register for upcoming events, courses, and workshops.

Budgeting: Making a Money Plan That Works


This course gives tips and advice for designing a balanced budget and offers the opportunity to participate in budgeting exercises. Attendees are given the tools to create their own personalized budget, including recommended spending figures.

Columbia Landlord Forum

Columbia Market House 15 S 3rd Street, Columbia, PA, United States

We will be discussing fair housing, criminal backgrounds, support animals, ERAP updates, lead safety and abatement, and the new York Rental Stability Network. In partnership with Columbia Borough  

Clase De Primer Comprador en Linea [York]

Via Zoom

Este curso se ofrece en linea es un curso de 8 horas para compradores de vivienda por primera vez el diciembre 4 en York (116 N. George St. York, PA 17401).   El curso fue diseñado para ayudarlo entender y comprender lo siguiente: Determinar si está listo para comprar Evaluar su historial de crédito personal Saber...


Housing Location Workshop


It’s a tough time to be looking for new rental housing, especially if you have limited income, poor credit, or an eviction on your record. Join experienced housing professionals at Tenfold in discussing how to search for a new rental. Learn how to: Understand your housing rights Approach potential landlords Overcome barriers to housing Track...

Good Credit and How to Get It


This course is designed to emphasize the importance of having good credit. Attendees will learn how to request and read a credit report, as well as how to correct errors. The class will discuss ways to establish and maintain a good credit rating.

Rental Advantage Course [December 13, 14, 16]


This is a free workshop that will assist all tenants. Attendance is FREE, but registration is required. Once you register, you’ll get the Zoom link. This is an 8 hour online rental education course via Zoom developed to increase your understanding of: Credit & Budgeting Basics Owning & Discussing Your Personal History Reading a Lease...


Loans: When to Save, Borrow, and Buy


This course is designed to be an introduction to the different types of loans: vehicle, education, mortgage, consumer, etc. Attendees will learn to search for reputable loans, as well as understand the steps needed to apply for loans.

Virtual Landlord Forum


Carrie Kurtz from the Lancaster County Reentry Coalition will be dispelling myths about renting to those with criminal records, Debbie Gable from HDC MidAtlantic will discuss selection criteria surrounding those with a criminal record, and Jeremy Hayes from Tenfold will talk about fair housing in regards to those with criminal backgrounds. In partnership with the...

Loans: When to Save, Borrow, and Buy


This course is designed to be an introduction to the different types of loans: vehicle, education, mortgage, consumer, etc. Attendees will learn to search for reputable loans, as well as understand the steps needed to apply for loans.

Homebuyer Class [York]

Please be aware: Depending on the COVID-19 regulations, this class might be changed to a virtual setting. This is currently an 8-hour homebuyer education for first-time homebuyers on December 18 in York.  Specific location to be determined. Masks may be required.  The course was developed to increase your understanding to: Determine if you are ready...


Budgeting: Making a Money Plan That Works


This course gives tips and advice for designing a balanced budget and offers the opportunity to participate in budgeting exercises. Attendees are given the tools to create their own personalized budget, including recommended spending figures.

Renting: What You Should Know


Join Tenfold staff for a rental housing workshop to learn about your rights and responsibilities as a renter. Bring your questions and join us! We’ll discuss: - The importance of good communication - Your fair housing rights - How to address problems with your landlord - How to find new rental housing - How to...