Jeffrey, an Army Veteran who was left disabled, experiencing lingering, life-long effects from his time in the service and combat in Desert Storm. At 58 years old, Jeffrey didn’t see himself and his 4-year-old son, Jabril, starting over. However, last October, he found himself in a dire predicament; his lease was not going to be renewed and they had nowhere to go. 

While searching for a temporary place, Jeffrey navigated an unexpected hurdle of finding a shelter that took a father and child together.  After reaching out to the Veterans Administration, a referral was made to TLC’s Veterans’ Victory House, which includes 17 rooms that are reserved for Veterans. Jeffrey was accepted into the program and provided a room, where he and his son could navigate a new beginning.  

At first, Jeffrey was hesitant to trust TLC, to trust new people and to trust the program that lay ahead.  “I quickly saw and experienced firsthand how caring and attentive the staff were to me and my son, and the relationships we developed. I saw the process working for those around me, who were moving out. I just had to be patient, take advantage of offerings and counseling at TLC and remind myself of my ultimate goal, to find suitable housing for myself and my son.” 

Within six months of entering TLC, Jeffrey accomplished his goal when they moved from homelessness to their very own safe and sustainable apartment! When asked about Jeffrey, the TLC team shared how Jeffrey remained motivated to make progress along the right path and maintained a positive outlook every step of the way. 

TLC empowers individuals, families, and veterans with opportunities, encouragement, individualized case management and supportive services so they can overcome homelessness, and live self-sufficient lives for generations to come. “With TLC’s support, I have learned to take one day at a time”, says Jeffrey.