If you are experiencing homelessness, please call 2-1-1.
2-1-1 is an Information & Referral program. The 211 team serves as one point of contact that can provide information on resources and provide referrals as a faster and more efficient way to connect you to the organizations that are equipped to address your unique situation.

About Us

TLC, a service of Tenfold, is a 52-room shelter that provides temporary housing and supportive services for individuals, couples, families and veterans experiencing homelessness, empowering them to unlock a new beginning toward housing stability and self-sufficiency.

• Families stay together at TLC
• Participants receive personalized case management
• Individualized housing plans are created for each individual/family
• TLC provides support to find employment, job training, education, and housing

Get Involved

Needs List

Are you interested in helping a community member in need? Your donations can help our participants at TLC as they work towards their goals and move into permanent housing.

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Join Our Team

Our TLC team is hiring! Are you passionate about empowering people to overcome homelessness and unlock a new beginning towards housing stability? If so, check out our current job openings!

Join Our Team


Your donation to TLC will help our participants as they put in the hard work to overcome their housing challenges and look forward to better times in the coming year.

Donate Now

Walking alongside veterans

Recognizing veterans experiencing homelessness have unique needs and opportunities, TLC opened Veterans’ Victory House in 2007, designating 17 units and providing specialized counseling and services for veterans.

Veterans’ Victory House is open to serve veterans who are single and veterans with their families.

Meet Jim

While staying at TLC’s Veterans’ Victory House, Jim worked very hard to set himself up for success, securing sustainable employment and moving out into a new place to call home.


Our roots run deep in the communities we serve. Learn how TLC participants unlocked a new path forward to housing stability and self-sufficiency.

Meet Terry

Terry is a painter and construction worker, and he recently was a resident at TLC, Tenfold’s 52-room shelter.

Meet Terry

Meet Amira

In 2021, at no fault of her own, Amira was locked out of her apartment because it was being shut down by the local municipality due to issues with the property. With limited options, she went to stay with family, but that was short-lived and not a healthy environment.

View story.

Meet Jewelz

Jewelz shares her story of overcoming homelessness at TLC and how this led her on a path to pay it forward by joining the TLC team.

View story.

Our Community Impact


individuals served in 112 households including 45 veterans and 99 children


nights of safe, private, climate controlled shelter


of exiting households were to positive housing destinations


veterans plus 4 additional adults & 6 children were served

Stats based on time period of March 1, 2020 – June 30, 2021


Taking a moment to remember the thousands of people who have passed away this year while experiencing homelessness

Published December 20, 2021

Recently, I was reading View More

22-23 Annual Report: Reflecting on our collective goal to end housing instability for our neighbors

Published November 2, 2023

As our housing crisis becomes increasingly problematic, our team has adopted a collective goal to end housing instability for our neighbors. In th

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